RAPHOE Hockey Club celebrated its 46th annual dinner dance last weekend at Kee’s Hotel, Stranorlar.
The club toasted a superb year in which the senior ladies team won the Senior 1 League, while the Raphoe second XI ladies also celebrated League glory.
The club presented its awards for the 2018/19 season and the night was as always well attended.
Award winners:
1st XI Player of the Year – Tommy Orr
2nd XI Player of the Year – John Watt
3rd XI Player of the Year – Nigel Woods
Most Improved Player of the Year – James Wilson
Most Dedicated Player of the Year – Evan Lyttle
Schoolboy of the Year – Tom Eaton & James Wilson
Clubperson of the Year – John Watt
1st XI Player of the Year – Wendy Patterson
2nd XI Player of the Year – Alison Stewart
Most Improved Player of the Year – Alison Stewart
Schoolgirl of the Year – Zara Tinney
Players Player of the Year – Sabrina Barnett
1. Wendy Patterson 1st XI Ladies Player of the Year 2. Tommy Orr1st XI Mens Player of the Year 3. Alison Stewart 2nd XI Ladies Player of the Year and Ladies Most Improved Player of the Year 4. John Watt 2nd XI Mens Player of the Year and Mens Club Person of the Year 5. Nigel Woods 3rd XI Mens Player of the Year 6. Zara Tinney Schoolgirl of the Year 7. Tom Eaton Joint Schoolboy of the Year. Missing from photo James Wilson 8. Julie Wilson receiving Most Improved Mens Player of the Year, on behalf of her brother James Wilson 9. Sabrina Barnett Ladies Players Player of the Year 10. Evan Lyttle Mens Most Dedicated Player of the Year 11. Raphoe 1st XI Ladies Senior 1 League Winners 2018:19 12. Raphoe 2nd XI Ladies Junior 5 League Winners 2018:19JPG