DONEGAL Minister Joe McHugh has today announced an improved grant of more than €77,500 for clubhouse works at CLG Na Dúnaibh.
The cash boost is €7,500 more than what was sanctioned for the club in April of this year.
€70,992 of the grant will now be put towards works to the clubhouse works and an additional sum of €6,599 was granted for fire safety measures and specialist fire retardant paint finish.
The additional support for CLG Na Dúnaibh welcomed by Minister Joe McHugh, who said it is important to make sure the works to the clubhouse are of a high standard.
“A total grant of €77,591 will go a long way to turning CLG Na Dúnaibh into an even better facility for Gaelic games and promote our language. It will build on the huge success of summer 2018 when the club was the proud host of Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta with clubs from all over the country bringing players, their families and supporters into north Donegal. Support like this builds on that, cements its place in the local community and everything it does to promote the language,” Minister McHugh said.

“Beidh an maoiniú breise seo inniu ina cuidiú mór do CLG na nDúnaibh agus iad ag déanamh iarracht mhór na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn sa cheantar.
“Beidh áiseanna ar dóigh forbartha ag an club in aice le cladaigh thuaisceart Dhún na nGall le tacaíocht ó dheontas de os cionn €70,000 ó Roinn na Gaeltachta.
“The cash boost for Na Dúnaibh will go a long way to promoting the Irish language, encourage youngsters in sport and make sure the best facilities are available for members of all ages.”
A total grant has been approved by Aire Stait don Ghaeilge, Gaeltacht & na hOileáin Sean Kyne
Minister McHugh said: “I’d also like to see the club work with the local language planning team and Ceim Aniar to ensure language is at the core of the club’s events and activities.
“I look forward to seeing the top class facilities that this money helps to build.”